@MattATL21 You're very close - basically the second bit of your if statement needs to repeat the conditional, eg. if (name === "Matt" || name === "Bob") { Your code right now is always returning "hola" because the part after the "or" isn't a condition, it's just a single string (eg. true)
@MattATL21 eg. it really means this: if (person == "juan" || true) so the presence of "true" means the first condition will always match
@MattATL21 Also I used triple equals in my code, check out this page for an explanation! Good luck :) guru99.com/difference-equality-strict-operator-javascript.html#:~:text=which%20returns%20false.-,What%20is%20%3D%3D%3D%20in%20JavaScript%3F,will%20return%20a%20false%20value.