mattpointblank’s avatarmattpointblank’s Twitter Archive—№ 21,609

  1. Nearly at the end of my first month of paternity leave (I'm extremely lucky that @TheEconomist gives dads 8 weeks paid paternity leave, so I'm taking the second half when my other kid starts school in September).
    1. …in reply to @mattpointblank
      It's been different this time around - I think having an older child means you *have* to keep some semblance of routine, however exhausted you are. And that other kid keeps your spirits up too, eg. reminds you the newborn won't be a tiny crying/pooping machine for that long.
      1. …in reply to @mattpointblank
        Biggest change from last time around was the health visitor - she made me cry when she visited because she opened up with "and how are *you* feeling?" specifically to me, and it was the first time anyone had made me (as a dad) feel seen.
        1. …in reply to @mattpointblank
          Obviously I'm a secondary player in this whole story and I don't want to be centered in any of these scenarios. But a few weeks in with a newborn... I can't express how validating it was to have someone recognise that this was hard for me, too. God bless the NHS.